During pregnancy a womans’ body goes under a lot of transformation. The influx of hormones and the physical changes add extra demands on the body. Physiotherapy assists in alleviating and managing some of the common antenatal complaints.
Common complaints during Pregnancy
- Back pain
- Pelvic pain, Symphasis pubis dysfunction (pubic pain)
- Abdominal pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Pelvic floor dysfunction – bladder, bowel and prolapse symptoms
Physiotherapists assist with early gentle pelvic floor muscle exercises and treating cracked nipples, mastitis and painful breast engorgement.
After the initial 6 week period we assess and treat the closure of the abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis), pelvic floor functioning, scar tissue (either perineal in vaginal delivery or abdominal in a caesarean section) and any other musculoskeletal complaints.